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西南政法大学国际法学博士,浙江工业大学法学院副教授、国际法学科主任、英国纽卡斯尔大学国际贸易法硕士、美国休斯敦大学访问学者,擅长国内民商事及涉外民 ...


德国某变压器开关公司收购国内某企业项目 Assets acquisition of a local tap changer company by a German tap changer company

美国某医疗器械公司在华投资设立外商独资医疗器械经营企业项目 Establishing a medical device FICE in China by an American medical device company
- 英国某灯饰企业在华设立外商独资企业项目 Establishment of a FICE in China by a British lighting company
- 英国某咨询公司在华设立独资咨询公司项目 Establishment of a consulting company in China by a British consulting company
- 英国某软件企业在华设立外商独资企业项目 Establishment of a WFOE in China by a British software company
- 某德国独资医疗器械企业和国内企业设立合资企业项目 Establishment of a joint venture company between a German medical device company and a domestic company
- 英国某教育集团在华设立独资企业以及分支机构项目 Establishment of a WFOE and a branch company in China by a British education group
- 英国某大学联合会和中国某高校中外合作办学项目 Sino-Foreign Joint Education program run by a British university association and a Chinese university
- 英国某大学和国内某高校终止合作项目 Termination of a cooperation program between a British university and a Chinese university
- 印度某软件企业上海子公司扩大经营范围项目 Enlargement of the business scope of a subsidiary of an Indian software company in Shanghai
- 新加坡某能源企业在华子公司扩大经营范围项目 Enlargement of the business scope of a subsidiary of a Singaporean energy company in China
- 英国某服装企业驻杭州代表处设立/注销项目 Establishment/Deregistration of a Representative Office of a British garment company in Hangzhou
- 新加坡某能源企业在华子公司清算项目 Legal due diligence project for acquisition of a Singaporean company by an American company
- 新加坡某能源企业收购国内某能源仓储企业的尽调项目 Legal due diligence project for acquisition of a Singaporean company by an American company
- 以色列某农业公司在华子公司法律尽调项目 Legal due diligence project for a subsidiary of an Israeli agricultural company in China
- 美国某公司收购某新加坡公司项目涉华分支机构尽调项目 Legal due diligence project for acquisition of a Singaporean company by an American company
- 美国某服装企业并购国内某服装企业尽调项目 Legal due diligence project for acquisition of a domestic garment company by an American garment company
- 某英国独资洋酒公司借调项目 Secondments to a subsidiary of a global leading British alcohol beverage company
- 某美国独资服装公司工商行政处罚案 An AIC administrative penalty case against an American-owned clothing company
- 某美国独资体育用品公司质量技术监督局行政处罚案 An administrative penalty case brought by the Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision against a American-owned sporting goods company
- 某英国独资食品公司工商行政处罚案 An AIC administrative penalty case against a British-owned alcohol beverage company
- 某外国自然人独资企业和员工劳动争议案 A labor dispute case between an FIE and its employee
- 某医药企业和某海归高层次人才劳动争议案 A labor dispute case between a pharmaceutical company and a high-level returnee talent
- 某公司出口产品买卖合同纠纷 Export Sales Contract Disputes
- 美国某公司和国内某企业的著作权纠纷 Copyright dispute case between an American company and a domestic company
- 某爱尔兰独资食品公司在华土地和房产确权项目 Land and real estate title confirmation project for an Irish-owned food company in China
- 某国有制药企业和某法国制药企业合资项目 Joint Venture project between a state-owned pharmaceutical company and a French pharmaceutical company
- 某国有制药企业收购某药品经营企业项目 Acquisition of a pharmaceutical distribution company by a state-owned pharmaceutical company
- 某美国独资医疗器械公司增资扩产项目 Capital increase and capacity expansion project of an American-owned medical device company
- 某美国独资医疗器械公司跨区搬迁项目 Trans-districts relocation of an American-owned medical device company
- 某美国独资医疗器械公司合规项目 Localization of the global compliance program of an American-owned medical device company
- 某美国独资医疗器械公司海外母公司并购后的系列变更项目 Post-acquisition registration project of an American-owned medical device company
- 新西兰某动漫设计企业和国内企业设立合资企业项目 Establishment of a joint venture company by a New Zealand animation design company and a domestic company
- 土耳其某公司收购国内某汽车零配件企业尽调项目 Legal due diligence project for acquisition of a domestic auto parts company by a Turkish company
- 多国驻华领事馆办公室租赁项目 Reviewing office lease contract for several consulates in China